
Executive Summary
This policy sets out the companies achievements & intentions in regards the care for our planet under our control.
We’ve been working hard since the company formation to become more environmental in our activities. We’ve been working on increasing our sustainable packaging from delivery packaging to source components. We have eliminated all hard to recycle packaging in favour of easy to recycle materials. We’ve carried this approach through to informing our future energy strategy which will be geared towards generating and using 100% sustainable energy.
We are using 100% renewable energy provided through our Energy Supply. For when the future opportunity exists we plan to generate our own electricity via wind and/or solar and feed the excess back into the grid.
No water is used in manufacture of products. The water to the canteen, washrooms and toilets are manually operated to save water. For employee health & wellbeing the company provides free chilled filtered water to drink as required.
We have installed new energy efficient LED lighting in the warehouse and production area’s as we have grown and extended our facility. We have replaced the majority of energy inefficient light bulbs to LEDs in areas we haven’t developed to lower our energy use. We will continue to work towards all lighting being LED’s.
Cardboard Packaging
We only source our packaging from UK suppliers who are FSC certified. Our component card or envelope packaging is either sourced as Eco grade or easily recyclable.
Plastic Packaging
We have been reducing our plastic packaging use and we are now at the lowest level of use in 5 years, all plastics that are used are widely recyclable. Our goal is to be single plastic use free and we will continue to work towards that.
Recycling Waste
We separate our cardboard, plastic and general waste in our facility in accordance with our waste and recycling supplier guidelines. This allows for the easy recycling and maximum recovery & reuse from our activities.